Ok let's try this catching up thing one more time! In the midst of trying to catch up last week, my computer's hard drive failed again. If you are keeping a tally on me this is the 6th time. -_- Luckily if nothing else I have become a fiend about backing up so I didn't lose any of my swatches. ;) Now I have swatches for 40+ polishes to sit down and edit, watermark and write up posts about; so that means if all goes well more posts this week!
Now onto what you are really here to see and read about, polish! Lacquerhead Polish has been pumping out a lot of new or updated colors lately and I have 3 new ones to share today. So onto the polish!
Behind Blue Eyes has a bright blue base with fine scattered holographic glitters. Shown is 3 coats with top coat.
I would buy this polish for the base color alone! :P I'm always a sucker for a great royal blue, but the added glitters really make it even more amazing than just another royal blue! Formula was great and you could probably get away with 2 thicker coats, I'm always a thin coater, instead of 3 coats. It does dry with a rubbery finish, so if you want a glassy look a top coat will do the trick. :)
Wicked Attraction is described as an ultra fine holographic glitter topcoat with different sizes of pink and purple glitters. In these photos I used 2 thin coats over 3 coats of Behind Blue Eyes with an accent nail of 1 coat of Wicked Attraction dabbed on over bare nail.
Wicked Attraction is very versatile, as you can see. :) I love it over Behind Blue Eyes, but you can put it over a ton of different colors or just have it on it's own. Formula wasn't too thick or too thin and dried quickly. I can see now in my macro shots that I didn't quite fill in my accent nail all the way. In person though, I didn't notice because I was too blinded by the sparkles! :P
You Need More Wine is a deep red-burgundy jelly with scattered gold holographic glitter. All nails are 3 coats with top coat.
I never need more wine; I'll take this polish instead! Random factoid about me: I can't drink wine because my brain thinks it should taste just like grape juice and it doesn't. I have the same thing with beer and thinking it should taste like apple juice. Haha Enough about me! The glitters in this polish give it a fiery look, you know without actual burning of the nails though. ;) Formula was again great, but like Behind Blue Eyes will need a top coat for a glossy finish.