I'm happy to say this post is now complete! Enjoy! :)
Bubble Plum is a lilac colored texture. Here I used 2 coats and no top coat.
I didn't realize the name of this polish till I sat down to add photos into my post. When I was thinking of a good description I thought it looked like a bubble gum purple, so the name is spot on! ;)

Cherry Drop is a bright red. I used 2 coats and no top coat.
If you remember from my Milani texture post, I didn't buy the red because it reminded me of ketchup gone bad. Haha Well in the name of science (?) I bought this one. :P It doesn't mind me of bad ketchup....too much. ;)
Cotton Candies is a bright pink. All nails are coats with no top coat.
Lick-O-Rich is a basic black with texture. Here I used 2 coats.
LOVE this color! I know it seems so weird to love it so much because it's a basic black with texture, but it's really awesome! It reminds me of tar. :P
Razzleberry is a bright blue. I used 2 coats for these photos.
Love this color! Texture or not, I see myself layering plenty of other colors over it. ;) I didn't experience any staining in the hour or so I wore it without a base coat, which is always good news!
Formula was a tad streaky for me, so I did need 3 coats. Most likely 2 thicker coats would have done the job fine though. I do like this color, but don't think it plays well with my skin tone. :(

Sugar Fix is a white texture. I used 3 coats for these photos.
Similar to Sour Apple the formula was streaky, but again it could be because of the thinner coats I used. One thing I will say as a warning is since it is a white and texture, it "grabs" a lot of dirt and you can really tell on the white. >_<
Sweetie is a pastel yellow. Here I used 3 coats.
Once again like Sour Apple and Sugar Fix streaky with thin coats. If nothing else this doesn't remind me of bad mustard. Hahaha It's more pastel than mustard. :P